Sweet Tooth Quilt Book by Cozy Quilt Designs

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Bundle Sweet Tooth with the Strip Tube Ruler

Save $2 on the Ruler Plus Free shipping on the ruler when purchasing the book a total saving of up to $11.95

Total list priceAU$61.90
Price for allAU$59.90

Sweet Tooth Quilt Book by Cozy Quilt Designs

A Recipe Book of Patterns for Pre-Cut Fabric Bundles

Includes 6 Patterns - all in multiple sizes.  Sweet Tooth is isure to be your go to "Cookbook of Quilts" for pre-cut fabric squares, strips and charm rolls

  1. Slice n Serve - for 2 1/2 Inch Strips, 5 Inch Squares and 10 Inch Squares
  2. Dripped Icing - for 2 1/2 Inch Strips and 10 Inch Squares
  3. Electric Mixer - for 2 1/2 Inch Strips
  4. Loaf Cake - for 5 and 10 Inch Squares  (or just 10 inch squares)
  5. Tube Cake - for 2 1/2 Inch Strips
  6. Snack Attack - for bundles of either 5 or 6 inch strips

Bonus -  Three of these 6 patterns (Electric Mixer, Tube Cake and Snack Attack) use the Strip Tube Ruler

Save 7%
Strip Tube Ruler™ by Cozy Quilt Designs You asked for it, we did it! Introducing Cozy's Strip Tube Ruler™! This ruler makes half square triangles a breeze by combining brilliant engineering with "the tube technique." It's perfect to use with strips and even includes directions to make our favourite block from 2½" strips: The Daniela Block. With this great gadget, you can easily make accurate half square triangles from 1" to 9½"! Also Available Strip Tube Ruler Junior™ by Cozy Quilt Designs available here Click here for the Strip Quilt Ruler Bonus Guide by Cozy Quilt Designs for a great guide to using this ruler to easily square up Half Square Triangles and chart on how what size to make your tube for Half Square Triangles. Scroll Down for Demonstration Video
AU$2990 AU$3200 -7%
Availability: 52 item(s)

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