Fractured Paint Box Replacement Papers by Judy Niemeyer

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Fractured Paint Box Replacement Papers by Judy Niemeyer

Pattern Instructions are not included with these replacement papers

When you have already purchased a complete Qultworx, Judy Niemeyer pattern you are able to purchase extra foundation papers only, making it an economical choice if you would like to complete another quilt.

The Fractured Paint Box was designed as a beginner pattern to introduce quilters to paper piecing! The project is fast, uses only one foundation block, employs simple cutting techniques, and is an affordable and fun way to jump into your first paper piecing project! It is meant to make those new to the process find confidence, understanding, and success!

The foundation papers for the Fractured paint box were designed by Bradley and Judy Niemeyer.

"Warning Paper Piecing is Addictive!!"

60" x 60" (3 x 3) Finished Size

60" x 67" (4 x 3) Finished Size

This pattern includes enough foundation papers to complete the size quilt shown on the cover

All Judy Niemeyer Patterns Use Hoffman Fabrics

Fabric Not Included

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